This is absolutely spot on. The one-size fits all approach for startup accelerators does not work - I know from bitter experience! I love how you reframe entrepreneurship as a lifetime creative craft and as such, in need of a spaces to learn and develop. The examples of guilds, studios and ateliers are those models.

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Thanks! After going through your course, I'm increasingly seeing a lot of parallels between writing and entrepreneurship.

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Yes! They both fall into the definition of a creative pursuit as in one where the outcome is uncertain, we don't know how long it will take and whether they will succeed or fail. Writers and founders face this equally.

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Paul this so exciting! Made many similar observations in the creative and social sectors as you can imagine. Can’t think of anyone better to lead this. Let me know what I can do to help get the word out.

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Hi Ellen, Thanks so much for the encouragement--and the offer of help. As to getting the word out, just let people in your networks who might benefit know--via whatever channels work for you.

Great to hear from you. I'm also dying to find out more about the business modelling thing you've been alluding to. Let me know if I can help with that.

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